Identification Numbers (ID) in Brazil

Published by Thiago Silveira on





There are several Identification numbers in Brazil that both companies and individuals are required to have.


IDs for Business


  • CNPJ (Cadastro Nacional da Pessoa Jurídica) is the Federal Tax Identification Number, a fourteen-digit number used as a tracking number by the Department of Federal Revenue of Brazil (Secretaria da Receita Federal do Brasil). Each branch office has its own CNPJ. Therefore, a legal entity may have several CNPJs.


  • IE (Inscrição Estadual) is the State Tax Identification Number used by the State Department of Taxation (Secretaria da Fazenda do Estado). Businesses that sell goods are required to have an IE, used mainly to pay ICMS, tax on the distribution of goods and services. Companies that only sell services usually are not required to have an IE.


  • IM (Inscrição Municipal) is the Municipal Tax Identification Number used by the City Department of Taxation (Secretaria Municipal da Fazenda). Businesses that sell services are required to have an IM, used mainly to pay ISS, Sales Tax on Services.


  • NIRE (Número de Identificação do Registro de Empresas) is the State Commercial Identification Number used by the State Commercial Board (Junta Comercial do Estado). Every business must have a NIRE.



IDs for individuals


  • CPF (Cadastro de Pessoas Físicas) is the Individual Federal Tax Identification Number, an eleven-digit number used as a tracking number by the Department of Federal Revenue of Brazil (Secretaria da Receita Federal do Brasil). Almost all individuals are required to have a CPF.


  • RG (Carteira de identidade) is the official Identification Card issued to Brazilian citizens by the government. The card contains the name, parents’ names, birthdate, photo, signature, and other important information.


  • CNH (Carteira Nacional de Habilitação) is the Brazilian driver’s license. In some places, it is accepted as ID in place of the RG.

Written by Thiago M. Silveira

Thiago M. Silveira is a Brazilian Chartered Certified Accountant (CRC) with more than 10 years of success in the accounting field, with insightful understanding in all aspects of accounting, financial reports preparation, local taxes and compliance in Brazil.


Thiago Silveira

Thiago M. Silveira is a Brazilian Chartered Certified Accountant (CRC) with more than 10 years of success in the accounting field, with insightful understanding in all aspects of accounting, financial reports preparation, local taxes and compliance in Brazil.