Brazilian Tax Laws

The complexity of the Brazilian tax system is a huge concern of Brazilian accountants and tax advisors. They are aware of its complications. For some companies and individuals the tax bill is a nightmare.
This page lists the main Brazilian tax laws.
Taxes | Type | Number | Date |
INSS – Social Security | Decree (Regulation) | 3.048 | May 6, 1999 |
ITR – Rural Property Tax | Decree (Regulation) | 4.382 | February 19, 2002 |
PIS/PASEP and COFINS – Taxes on Gross Revenue | Decree (Regulation) | 4.524 | December 17, 2002 |
CPMF – Tax on Financial Transaction | Decree (Regulation) | 6.140 | July 3, 2007 |
IOF – Tax on Financial Transaction | Decree (Regulation) | 6.306 | December 14, 2007 |
Import Duty | Decree (Regulation) | 6.759 | February 5, 2009 |
IPI – Tax on Manufactured Products | Decree (Regulation) | 7.212 | June 15, 2010 |
IRPJ – Income Tax | Decree (Regulation) | 9.580 | November 22, 2018 |
PIS/PASEP – Tax on Gross Revenue | Complementary Law | 7 | September 7, 1970 |
COFINS – Tax on Gross Revenue | Complementary Law | 70 | December 30, 1991 |
ICMS – Value-Added Tax | Complementary Law | 87 | September 13, 1996 |
ISS – Sales Tax on Services | Complementary Law | 116 | July 31, 2003 |
ISS – Sales Tax on Services | Complementary Law | 157 | December 29, 2016 |
CSLL – Income Tax | Law | 7.689 | December 15, 1988 |
PIS/PASEP and COFINS – Taxes on Gross Revenue | Law | 9.718 | November 27, 1998 |
PIS/PASEP – Tax on Gross Revenue | Law | 10.637 | December 30, 2002 |
COFINS – Tax on Gross Revenue | Law | 10.833 | December 29, 2003 |
PIS/PASEP and COFINS – Taxes on Imports | Law | 10.865 | April 30, 2004 |
Other laws
Topic | Type | Number | Date |
Brazilian Tax Code | Complementary Law | 5.172 | October 25, 1996 |
Compliance | Decree / Regulation | 7.574 | September 29, 2011 |
Corporation | Law | 6.404 | December 15, 1976 |
Corporation and Large Companies | Law | 11.638 | December 28, 2007 |
RTT – Transitional Tax Regime application | Law | 11.941 | May 27, 2009 |
RTT – Transitional Tax Regime termination | Law | 12.973 | May 13, 2014 |